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evidence can be in one of two categories: electronic voice phenomenon
(EVP) or disembodied voices. EVPs are sounds or voices that are
captured on a recording device that were not heard at the time.
Again, there can be natural explanations for these such as static,
background noise, stray radio signals, and even misinterpretation by
the listener. Captured voices that seem to answer direct
questions by investigators are not as easy to dismiss.
Disembodied voices are not only captured on the recording device but
are also heard at the same time by the investigator. Below are
some examples of each kind that we have caught on various
investigations. s Moundsville Penitentiary - July 21, 2018 A
couple of our investigators are talking about a bag that was in one of
the rooms in the infirmary section of the penitentiary. Shortly
after this, a voice is captured on a recorder by another investigator.
It seems to be asking the question "What kind of bag?"
Moundsville Penitentiary clip
Ohio State Reformatory - August 15, 2016 One
of the investigators was lucky enough to hear this disembodied voice in
the library and capture it on the recorder. A couple of our
investigators where talking about a bird that had gotten into the room.
As they are discussing if the bird had gotten out okay you can
hear the ghostly response.
Ohio State Reformatory clip
Marjim Manor Winery - November 15, 2014 This
EVP was captured in the basement of the winery. One of the
investigators was signing to try and evoke a response. Listen
near the end of the clip and you can hear what appears to be a female
humming. One of our investigators thought it sounded like Three
Blind Mice!
Marjim Manor Winery clip
Rolling Hills Asylum - August 1, 2014 This
clip was captured in what is known as Roy's room. The
investigator was asking what kind of music Roy likes. Listen for
the musical answer. Keep in mind that although there is a piano
in the building it is located one floor down near the opposite end of
the hall and is non-working.
Rolling Hills Musical Answer clip
Rolling Hills Asylum - August 1, 2014 This
clip was captured in the morgue. One of our investigators was
lying on the embalming table while two others were standing next to
her. The recorder was on a counter directly behind the two
investigators. The EVP was captured on another recorder as well
but sounded closest and the most clear on the one near the embalming
table. It appears to be a male voice and we think the first two
words are "Does Captain". What do you think it is saying?
Rolling Hills Morgue clip
Palmyra Museum - June 21, 2014 During
the initial tour of the museum one of the investigators captured this
clip. Listen carefully to the tour guide and in the background
you can make out what seems to be a little girl talking. We are
not quite sure what she might be saying, can you?
Palmyra Museum clip
Phelps General Store - June 21, 2014 As
we started to investigate in the general store building one of our
investigators was setting up a REM pod. You can hear it beeping
as she turns it on and is getting it placed. Immediately after
you can hear a loud EVP that no one heard at the time that we think is
saying "she broke it". There are two things of particular
interest here. Normally one of our male investigators sets up the
REM pod but instead on this evening one of our female investigators did
the setup. This would be why the EVP correctly identifies the
gender by using the word she. Also, because the pod was not
immediately set down, it went off for an extended period which we think
might have given the impression that it was not working properly, thus
"she broke it".
Phelps General Store clip
Iron Island Museum - March 8, 2014 This
clip appears to be an intelligent response to the investigators comment
that she is allergic to cats. Listen closely and you can hear
what seems to be a male voice state "no allergies here". The
original clip as well as an enhanced version are both included below.
Iron Island clip Enhanced clip
Gettysburg Orphanage - November 10, 2013 It
is hard to imagine by how loud this EVP was, but no one heard it at the
time. The investigators were in the basement of what was once a
Civil War era orphanage. The recorder was located by the front
wall of the basement, away from the group of investigators. There
is no mistaking what was said on the EVP.
Gettysburg Orphanage clip
Rolling Hills Asylum - June 1, 2013 This
clip was captued in the power room at the asylum. Although the
investigator is asking for a former employee named Raymond to speak
with them, a female voice speaks to answer. If you listen
carefully it appears to be saying "nobody sent you to us."
Rolling Hills clip
Akron House Restaurant - August 25, 2012 This
is a very interesting clip because of a voice being heard multiple
times. It was captured in the attic of the Akron House Restaurant
and seems to possibly be that of a little girl. Although much of
what is heard cannot be made out, the faint answer to the
investigator's question was heard by multiple investigators.
Akron House clip
Gettysburg Orphanage - April 28, 2012 This disembodied
voice was captured in what is now called the Soldier's National
Museum. It used to be an orphanage to children of Union soldiers that
died during the war. One of the matrons, Rosa Carmichael, was
convicted of child abouse and run out of town. Although very faint you
can hear the answer to the investigator's question and everyone's
reaction to it.
Gettysburg Orphanage clip
USS Little Rock - September 4, 2011 Also
captured the same evening as the Croaker was this EVP. The Little Rock
is a 600 ft. light crusier active during World War II and later
converted to a guided missle cruiser. This clip was captured in the
section of the ship containing the Korean War Memorial. It came on the
heels of some strong K2 hits. Listen and you can clearly hear a faint
USS Little Rock clip
USS Croaker - September 4, 2011 This
clip was also only discovered after reviewing the recordings. The
Croaker is a decommissioned submarine that is on display at the Buffalo
Naval Park. After investigating the sub for some time, we were
making our way off when something tried to get our attention.
Listen closely and you can hear a raspy voice saying "Hey."
USS Croaker clip
Prospect Place Mansion - May 25, 2011 This
audio clip was not heard at the time and very much surprised us when we
found it. It was captured in one of the second floor
bedrooms. You can hear what sounds like a seductive female voice
saying "Oh George (inaudibile)." This is especially interesting
since the owner of the house was George W. Adams.
Prospect Place clip