used equipment

are used on each and every investigation. Not only do they
provide light to see in dark areas, but they also provide a means of
communication. Spirits can interact by turning the flashlight on
to answer questions.

cameras are used continually on investigations to try and capture video
evidence of the paranormal. Large capacity storage cards
allow us to take hundreds of shots.

meters are used to detect changes in electromagnetic fields, which may
indicate the presence of a spirit. The K2 meter on the left has
five different lights that change in relation to the strength of the
field. Like the flashlight, the K2 may also be used to
communicate by having the spirits turn the lights on to answer
questions. The Mel Meter on the right gives a digital readout of
the exact strength of the electromagnetic field. This model
also has a digital thermometer to detect fluxuations in
temperature, which also may be a sign of a spirit.

voice recorders are used throughout an investigation to try and
capture EVPs or disembodied voices. Recorders can be very
basic models like the Olympus model on the left or a more professional
version like the TASCAM model on the right. We use both kinds on

Ghost Touch and REM Pod devices both work in a similar fashion.
Both will produce their own electromagnetic field that, when
disturbed, will provide both an audible and visual alert.

imaging devices allow us to see images in different colors according to
the amount of heat they give off. High resolution thermal imaging
devices like the FLIR model on the right can cost well over
$1000. Lower resolution, lower cost devices are currently being
developed. The IR-Blue device shown on the left attaches to an
iPhone and costs less than $200. We hope to be able to add a
thermal imager to our arsenal in the near future.